Mosquitoes are a vector agent that carries disease-causing viruses and parasites from person to person without catching the disease themselves. Female mosquitoes suck blood from people and other animals as part of their eating and breeding habits. The female mosquito that bites an infected person and then bites an uninfected person might leave traces of virus or parasite from the infected person's blood. The infected blood is injected through, or on, the "dirty" probiscus into the uninfected person's blood and the disease is thus spread from person to person. When a mosquito bites, she also injects saliva and anti-coagulants into the blood which may also contain disease-causing viruses or other parasites. This blood sucking characteristic has made mosquitoes one of the most deadly vectors known to man, literally killing millions of people over thousands of years and continuing to kill millions per year.
General Pest Abatement Maintenance Program (GPAMP). This service is designed for the control of ants, cockroaches, mosquitoes, bugs, flies and other flying and crawling insects that transmit more than 35 communicable diseases to man. The treatment is done by spraying, misting, or brushing. This type of service is guaranteed to control the general infestation on the spot with a long residual effect. Garden Spraying is also an option designed to control pests found in your gardens, lawns, ornamental plants, and trees.
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